How to use ActionCallback
How to trigger JavaScript
//JsActionCallback is the implementation class of ActionCallback. JsActionCallback* action_handler = new JsActionCallback(); Library::SetActionCallback(action_handler); Form form(pdf_doc); PDFPage pdf_page = pdf_doc.GetPage(0); //Set JavaScript for the button. Control control = form.GetControl(pdf_page, 0); Widget widget_annot = control.GetWidget(); AdditionalAction widget_aa(widget_annot); Action action = Action::Create(pdf_doc, Action::e_TypeJavaScript); JavaScriptAction javascipt_action(action); javascipt_action.SetScript(L"JavaScript code"); widget_aa.SetAction(AdditionalAction::e_TriggerAnnotMouseButtonPressed, javascipt_action); //Trigger JavaScript Script. widget_aa.DoJSAction(AdditionalAction::e_TriggerAnnotMouseButtonPressed) |
How to implement ActionCallback
After the document content is updated, GSDK will call InvalidateRect.
//JavaScript code, add annotation to the document. var annot3 = this.addAnnot({ type: "Circle", page: 1, rect: [0,500,50,680], popupOpen: false, popupRect: [467,570,647,690], rect: [110.315002,545.960022,129.565002,574.835022], }); |
virtual bool InvalidateRect(const PDFDoc& document, int page_index, const RectF& pdf_rect) { //Refresh the area specified by "pdf_rect" on page of "page_index" of the document } |
//JavaScript code,obtaining the current page index app.alert(this.pageNum); |
virtual int GetCurrentPage(const pdf::PDFDoc& document){ //Returns the index of the currently displayed page in the document } |
//JavaScript code,skip to page three. this.pageNum = 2; |
virtual void SetCurrentPage(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, int page_index){ //Skip to page of "page_index" of document. } |
SetDocChangeMark GetDocChangeMark
//Javascript code this.dirty = false;// or true var dir = this.dirty; |
virtual bool SetDocChangeMark(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, bool change_mark){ if(change_mark == true){ //Set the document update label to true and need to save before closing the document. } if(change_mark == false){ //The document update label is set to false, no need to save before closing the document. } } virtual bool GetDocChangeMark(const pdf::PDFDoc& document){ //return document update label; } |
virtual pdf::PDFDoc GetCurrentDoc(){ //The document currently being viewed by the application return current_doc_ } |
//JavaScript code app.newDoc(); |
virtual pdf::PDFDoc CreateBlankDoc(){ //Create new docment. PDFDoc new_doc = PDFDoc(); new_doc.InsertPage(0, 612, 791); //open_doc_list +1 //Set the new_doc to be current document current_doc_ = new_doc; return new_doc; } |
this.closeDoc(); |
virtual void CloseDoc(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, bool is_prompt_to_save){ if(is_prompt_to_save== true && document update label is true){ //Prompt to save. } if(is_prompt_to_save== false){ //Close the document without saving it. } } |
app.openDoc("C:/myDoc.pdf"); |
virtual bool OpenDoc(const WString& file_path, const WString& password){ PDFDoc new_doc = PDFDoc(file_path); new_doc.Load(password); //open_doc_list +1 //Set the new_doc to be current document current_doc_ = new_doc; return true; } |
app.beep(0);//0-4 |
virtual bool Beep(int type){ //Windows Environment Example switch(type) { case 0: MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); break; case 1: MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); break; case 2: MessageBeep(MB_ICONQUESTION); break; case 3: MessageBeep(MB_ICONASTERISK); break; case 4: MessageBeep(MB_OK); break; default: MessageBeep(-1); break; } } |
var cResponse = app.response({ cQuestion: "How are you today?", cTitle: "Your Health Status", cDefault: "Fine", cLabel: "Response:" }); |
virtual WString Response(CONSTCWSTR question, CONSTCWSTR title, CONSTCWSTR default_value, CONSTCWSTR label, bool is_password){ //Display a dialog. //DlgTitle = "Your Health Status" //Add static_label1 = "How are you today?" //Add static_label2 = "Response:" //Add edit "edit_response", default value:"Fine" return the value of "edit_response"; } |
var filepath = this.path; |
virtual WString GetFilePath(const pdf::PDFDoc& document){ return document path; } virtual bool IsLocalFile(const pdf::PDFDoc& document){ if("document" is local document){ return true; }else return false; } |
this.importDataObject("MyData");//Attach a data file to the current document. |
virtual WString GetAttachmentsFilePath(const pdf::PDFDoc& pdf_doc, CONSTCWSTR name){ //name == L"MyData" //return the path of the data file to be attached to pdf_doc, GSDK will use name as the key to attach the data file to pdf_doc } |
this.exportDataObject("MyData");//Export the data file corresponding to MyData |
virtual WString GetExtractedEmbeddedFilePath(const pdf::PDFDoc& pdf_doc, CONSTCWSTR name){ //return the exported path, GSDK will export the data file corresponding to name to this path } |
function Doc_print() { this.print({bUI: true, bSilent:false, bPrintAsImage:false, bReverse:false, bAnnotations:true, } ); } Doc_print(); |
virtual bool Print(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, const PrintParams& print_params){ //Enable printing function to print "document" according to the printing settings indicated by "print_params" } |
app.launchURL(""); |
virtual bool LaunchURL(CONSTCSTR url){ //Open URL in browser ShellExecute(NULL, "open", url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } |
var oRetn = app.browseForDoc({ bSave: true, cFilenameInit: "appbrowseForDoctest1.pdf", cFSInit: "", }); |
virtual WString BrowseFile(){ //Open the file dialog and return the selected file path CFileDialog fileDlg(FALSE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("(*.pdf)|*.pdf"), NULL); if(fileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return L""; CString pdfpath = fileDlg.GetPathName(); return pdfpath; } virtual WString BrowseFile(bool is_open_dialog, CONSTCWSTR file_format, CONSTCWSTR file_filter){ //Open the file dialog and return the selected file path CFileDialog fileDlg(is_open_dialog, file_format, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, file_filter, NULL); if(fileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return L""; CString pdfpath = fileDlg.GetPathName(); return pdfpath; } |
app.language |
virtual Language GetLanguage(){ //Returns the language used by the application return ActionCallback::e_LanguageCHS; } |
app.alert("Hello world!") |
virtual int Alert(CONSTCWSTR msg, CONSTCWSTR title, int type, int icon){ UINT nType = 0; switch (type) { case 0: nType = MB_OK; break; case 1: nType = MB_OKCANCEL; break; case 2: nType = MB_YESNO; break; case 3: nType = MB_YESNOCANCEL; break; } switch (icon) { case 0: nType |= MB_ICONERROR; break; case 1: nType |= MB_ICONWARNING; break; case 2: nType |= MB_ICONQUESTION; break; case 3: nType |= MB_ICONINFORMATION; break; } int ret = MessageBox(msg, title, nType); return ret; } |
GetIdentityProperties, SetIdentityProperties
//Call the function GetIdentityProperties app.alert("Your name is " +; app.alert("Your e-mail is " +; //Call the function SetIdentityProperties = "[email protected]" |
virtual IdentityProperties GetIdentityProperties(){ const wchar_t* sCorporation = L"Blanc&Eclare"; const wchar_t* sEmail = L"[email protected]"; const wchar_t* sLoginName = L"Sy_jessica"; const wchar_t* sName = L"Jessica"; const wchar_t* sFirstName = L"Sun"; const wchar_t* sLastName = L"Yanzi"; const wchar_t* sDepartment = L"AAA"; const wchar_t* sTitle = L"CCC"; IdentityProperties idProp(sCorporation, sEmail, sLoginName, sName, sFirstName, sLastName, sTitle, sDepartment); return idProp; } virtual bool SetIdentityProperties(const IdentityProperties& identity_properties){ //adjust Identity Properties } |
var cChoice = app.popUpMenu("item", "-", "Chapter 1",[ "Chapter 2", "Chapter 2 Start", "Chapter 2 Middle",["Chapter 2 End"," ", "The End"]]); app.alert("You chose the " + cChoice + " menu item"); |
void AppendMenuWithArray(const foxit::MenuListArray& menus, pop_menu) { for (size_t i = 0; i < menus.GetSize(); i++) { foxit::MenuList menuItem = menus.GetAt(i); if ( == L"-") { //Add split lines to pop_menu } else { if (menuItem.sub_menu_list_array.GetSize() > 0) { //Create a new pop-up menu sub_menu //Add sub_menu to pop_menu //Continue parsing submenus AppendMenuWithArray(menuItem.sub_menu_list_array, &sub_menu); }else { //Add menu "" to menu "pop_menu". } } } } virtual WString PopupMenu(const MenuListArray& menus, bool& is_selected_item){ //Create a new pop-up menu"pop_menu". //parse menus AppendMenuWithArray(menus, pop_menu) //Get the current position "point"of mouse. //Display "pop_menu" in coordinate "point". //Determine whether the mouse clicks on a menu item or clicks on a blank space if(Mouse click on a menu item){ is_selected_item = true; return the name of menu item clicked on. }else{ is_selected_item = false; return L""; } } |
var cChoice = app.popUpMenuEx ( {cName: "Item 1", bMarked:true, bEnabled:false}, {cName: "-"}, {cName: "Item 2", oSubMenu: [ {cName: "Item 2, Submenu 1"}, { cName: "Item 2, Submenu 2", oSubMenu: {cName:"Item 2, Submenu 2, Subsubmenu 1", cReturn: "0"} } ] }, {cName: "Item 3"}, {cName: "Item 4", bMarked:true, cReturn: "1"} ) app.alert("You chose the \"" + cChoice + "\" menu item"); |
void AppendMenuWithArrayEx(const foxit::MenuItemExArray& menus, pop_menu) { for (size_t i = 0; i < menus.GetSize(); i++) { foxit::MenuItemEx menuItem = menus.GetAt(i); if (menuItem.item_name == L"-") { //Add a splitter line to the menu "pop_menu" } else { if (menuItem.sub_menu_item_array.GetSize() > 0) { //Create a new menu "sub_menu". UINT uFlags = MF_POPUP; if (menuItem.is_checked) { uFlags |= MF_CHECKED;//Add a check mark to the menu } if (!menuItem.is_enabled) { uFlags |= MF_DISABLED;//Make the menu unselectable } //Add "sub_menu" to "pop_menu", and set "uFlags". //continue to parse sub menu. AppendMenuWithArrayEx(menuItem.sub_menu_item_array, &sub_menu); }else { UINT uFlags = MF_STRING; if (menuItem.is_checked) { uFlags |= MF_CHECKED; } if (!menuItem.is_enabled) { uFlags |= MF_DISABLED; } //Add "" to "pop_menu", and set "uFlags". } } } } virtual MenuItemEx PopupMenuEx(const MenuItemExArray& menus, bool& is_selected_item){ //Create a new pop-up menu"pop_menu". //parse menus AppendMenuWithArrayEx(menus, pop_menu) //Get the current position "point"of mouse. //Display "pop_menu" in coordinate "point". //Determine whether the mouse clicks on a menu item or clicks on a blank space if(Mouse click on a menu item){ is_selected_item = true; return the name of menu item clicked on. }else{ is_selected_item = false; return MenuItemEx(); } } |
app.alert(app.appVersion) |
virtual WString GetAppInfo(AppInfoType type){ WString info = L""; switch(type) { case foxit::ActionCallback::e_AppInfoTypeFormsVersion: info = L"7.3"; break; case foxit::ActionCallback::e_AppInfoTypeViewerType: info = L"Exchange-Pro"; break; case foxit::ActionCallback::e_AppInfoTypeViewerVariation: info = L"full expired"; break; case foxit::ActionCallback::e_AppInfoTypeViewerVersion: info = L"11.007"; break; case foxit::ActionCallback::e_AppInfoTypeAppVersion: info = L"5.6"; break; } return info; } |
app.mailMsg(false, "[email protected]; [email protected]", "", "", "This is the subject", "This is the body of the mail."); |
virtual bool MailData(void* data, MailType data_type, bool is_ui, CONSTCWSTR to, CONSTCWSTR subject, CONSTCWSTR cc, CONSTCWSTR bcc, CONSTCWSTR message){ //data_type = ActionCallback::e_MailTypeMsg //Send Email:[email protected]; [email protected] //Title:This is the subject //Text:This is the body of the mail. if(successfully sent) return true; else return false; } |
var f = this.getField("Signature"); f.signatureValidate(); var Info = f.signatureInfo(); app.alert(Info.dateTrusted); |
virtual uint32 VerifySignature(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, const pdf::Signature& pdf_signature){ // Here's a simple sample about verifying a signature by LTVVerifier. LTVVerifier ltv_verifier(document, true, true, false, LTVVerifier::e_SignatureCreationTime); ltv_verifier.SetVerifyMode(LTVVerifier::e_VerifyModeAcrobat); SignatureVerifyResultArray sig_verify_result_array = ltv_verifier.VerifySignature(pdf_signature); size_t size = sig_verify_result_array.GetSize(); if (size == 0) return 0; return sig_verify_result_array[0].GetSignatureState(); } |
this.bookmarkRoot.createChild("", "this.pageNum++");//New bookmark not named |
virtual WString GetUntitledBookmarkName(){ return "Untitled";//Use it as the name of the new bookmark } |
var l = app.printerNames.length; for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++) app.alert("(" + (i+1) + ") " + app.printerNames[i]); |
virtual WStringArray GetPrinterNameList(){ //return list of printer names WString printer_name[] = { L"Adobe PDF", L"Fax", L"Foxit PDF Editor Printer" ,L"Microsoft Print to PDF" }; WStringArray printer_names; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(printer_name) / sizeof(printer_name[0]); i++) { printer_names.Add(printer_name[i]); } return printer_names; } |
app.addToolButton({ cName: "newBotton", cExec: "app.alert('!')" }) app.removeToolButton({ cName: "newBotton"}) |
virtual bool AddToolButton(const ButtonItem& button_item){ //Add a button to the program toolbar //button name = //add "button_item.exec" as action to button } virtual bool RemoveToolButtom(CONSTCWSTR button_name){ // remove the button which name is "button_name" } |
var menuItems = app.listMenuItems(); for( var i in menuItems) app.alert(menuItems[i].cName + "\n") |
virtual MenuListArray GetMenuItemNameList(){ //Return to the main menu of the program and its submenus WString name_array[] = { L"File", L"Home", L"Convert", L"Edit", L"Form" }; WString name_array_home[] = { L"Home_Tools_HandMenuItem", L"Home_Tools_Select"}; WString name_array_home_select[] = { L"Home_Tools_TextSelection", L"Home_Tools_AnnotSelection" }; MenuListArray home_sel_menu_list_array; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(name_array_home_select) / sizeof(name_array_home_select[0]); i++) { MenuList menu_list = MenuList(0, name_array_home_select[i], MenuListArray()); home_sel_menu_list_array.Add(menu_list); } MenuListArray home_menu_list_array; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(name_array_home) / sizeof(name_array_home[0]); i++) { MenuList menu_list = MenuList(0, name_array_home[i], home_sel_menu_list_array); home_menu_list_array.Add(menu_list); } MenuListArray menu_list_array; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(name_array) / sizeof(name_array[0]); i++) { MenuList menu_list = MenuList(0,name_array[i], home_menu_list_array); menu_list_array.Add(menu_list); } return menu_list_array; } |
app.addMenuItem({ cName: "1", cParent: "Convert", cExec:"app.alert('My Menu!');", nPos: "Home_Tools_HandMenuItem", bPrepend: false }); |
virtual bool AddMenuItem(const MenuItemConfig& menu_item_config, bool is_prepend){ //Add a menu to menu "Convert",menu name is "1",添加位置在Home_Tools_HandMenuItem(menu_item_config.pos_str)之后,点击菜单会运行app.alert('My Menu!') } |
app.addSubMenu({ cName: "2", cParent: "Convert", nPos: "Home_Tools_HandMenuItem" }); |
virtual bool AddSubMenu(const MenuItemConfig& menu_item_config){ //Add menu items with submenus to the application,the above JavaScript code just use "name","user","parent","pos/pos_str"of"menu_item_config". //Add a dropdown menu under the menu "Convert",menu name is 2. Add location: under "Home_Tools_HandMenuItem"(menu_item_config.pos_str) } |
var dialog0 = { description: { name: "JavaScript", //first_tab:, width: 600, height: 500, char_width: 0, //Test Value: 0 char_height: 0, //align_children:"align_center", elements: [ { //ok_cancel Button type: "ok_cancel", ok_name: "Ok", cancel_name: "Cancel", alignment: "align_right" }] } }; app.execDialog(dialog0); |
virtual bool ShowDialog(const DialogDescriptionConfig& dlg_config){ //Create a dialog box, 'dlg_config' used to transfer the content of 'description' in the JavaScript script } |
Dialog example
var f = app.fullscreen; app.fullscreen = true; |
virtual bool GetFullScreen(){ if(Currently in full screen mode) return true; else return false; } virtual void SetFullScreen(bool is_full_screen){ if(is_full_screen) //Enter full screen mode. else //Set to Normal Mode. } |
Triggered when the value of the form changes, used to notify users, allowing them to freely play.
virtual void OnFieldValueChanged(CONSTCWSTR field_name, JSFieldValueChangeType type, const WStringArray &value_before_changed, const WStringArray &value_after_changed){} |
this.mailDoc({ bUI: false, cTo: "[email protected]", cCC: "[email protected]", cSubject: "The Latest News", cMsg: "A.P., attached is my latest news story in PDF." }); |
virtual JsMailResult MailDoc(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, CONSTCWSTR to_address, CONSTCWSTR cc_address, CONSTCWSTR bcc_address, CONSTCWSTR subject, CONSTCWSTR message, bool is_ui){ //Send the email with 'document' as an attachment, and refer to 'MailData' for other parameters. } |
this.mailForm(false, "[email protected]; [email protected]", "", "", "This is the subject", "This is the body of the mail.");//Export the form and send the generated FDF file as an attachment to the email. |
virtual WString GetTemporaryFileName(const pdf::PDFDoc& document, CONSTCWSTR file_suffix_name){ //"mailForm"needs a temporary path to save the form data exported from 'document' return "D:/temp.fdf"; } |
var myURLClip = ""; var args1 = { URL: myURLClip, mimeType: "audio/mp3", doc: this, settings: { players:"audio/mp3"), windowType:, data:,"audio/mp3"), floating: { height: 500, width: 700 } } } var player =; var p = player.isPlaying; player.stop(); var settings = player.settings; |
class MediaPlayerHandler: public MediaPlayerCallback { public: virtual void Release(){} virtual bool Play() { //Play video. if(Played successfully) return true; else return false; } virtual void Close() { //Turn off player. } virtual bool Stop() { //Stop playing } virtual bool Seek(int current_pos){ //Set the progress bar value to "current_pos". } virtual JSMediaPlayerState GetState() { switch(player status){ case playing: return e_JSMediaPlayerStatePlaying; case closed: return e_JSMediaPlayerStateClose; case open: return e_JSMediaPlayerStateOpen; case stop: return e_JSMediaPlayerStateStop; case suspend: return e_JSMediaPlayerStateSuspend; } } virtual MediaSettings GetPlayerSettings(){ //return player's setting. } } virtual MediaPlayerCallback* OpenMediaPlayer(const PlayerArgs& player_args){ //'player_args' is used to transfer the data of' args1 'in the script //Create a video playback window, return the corresponding 'MediaPlayerHandler' object in the playback window. } |
//Extract page to generate a new document, no save path specified. var re=this.extractPages(0,1); |
virtual WString GetTemporaryDirectory(){ //return directory used to save temporary files. return "D:/Temp/" } |
this.scroll(400,800); |
virtual void Scroll(const PointF& point){ //Scroll the view until 'point' is in the middle of the view } |
var cWord = this.getPageNthWord(1, 0); app.alert(cWord) |
virtual void SelectPageNthWord(int page_index, int start_offset, int end_offset, bool is_show_selection){ //Select the characters in the index page with an offset from "start_offset" to "end_offset". if(is_show_selection == true){//Show Selected} else{ //Do not display} } |
var x = this.mouseX; var y = this.mouseY; |
virtual PointF GetMousePosition(){ //Returns the device coordinates of the mouse. } |
//pageWindowRect app.alert("pageWindowRect: " + this.pageWindowRect); |
virtual RectF GetPageWindowRect(){ //Returns the 'rect' of the current document view (window displaying the document) } |
this.layout="OneColumn"; app.alert(this.layout); |
virtual LayoutMode GetLayoutMode(){ //Returns the browsing mode of the current reader switch (browse mode) { case single page browsing: return ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeSinglePage; break; case Continuous single page browsing: return ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeContinuous; break; case Double page browsing: return ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeFacing; break; case Continuous dual page browsing: return ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeContinuousFacing; break; } } virtual void SetLayoutMode(LayoutMode layout_mode, bool is_cover_mode){ switch (layout_mode) { case ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeSinglePage: browse mode = single page browsing; break; case ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeContinuous: browse mode = Continuous single page browsing; break; case ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeFacing: browse mode = Double page browsing; break; case ActionCallback::e_LayoutModeContinuousFacing: browse mode = Continuous dual page browsing; break; } if(is_cover_mode == true) The cover is not affected by browsing mode and is always displayed separately. } |
//Read var zoom = this.zoom; |
virtual float GetPageScale(){ //Returns the current view page zoom value. } |
//Write this.zoom = 200; //FitHeight this.zoomType = zoomtype.fitH; |
virtual void SetPageScale(foxit::pdf::Destination::ZoomMode zoom_mode, const foxit::pdf::Destination& dest){ switch (zoom_mode) { case foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomXYZ: //Set Zoom Mode break; case foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitPage: //Set Zoom Mode break; case foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitHorz: //Set Zoom Mode break; case foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitVert: //Set Zoom Mode break; case foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitRect: //Set Zoom Mode break; default: break; } objects::PDFArray* arr = dest.GetDestArray();//The third value of 'arr' is the scaling value } |
var type = this.zoomType; |
virtual foxit::pdf::Destination::ZoomMode GetPageZoomMode(){ foxit::pdf::Destination::ZoomMode zoom_mode; switch (Current View Adaptation Mode) { case PDFZOOM_XYZ: zoom_mode = foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomXYZ; break; case PDFZOOM_FITPAGE: zoom_mode = foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitPage; break; case PDFZOOM_FITHORZ: zoom_mode = foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitHorz; break; case PDFZOOM_FITVERT: zoom_mode = foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitVert; break; case PDFZOOM_FITRECT: zoom_mode = foxit::pdf::Destination::e_ZoomFitRect; break; default: break; } return zoom_mode; } |
search.query("Foxit","Folder","F:/DingDing"); |
virtual void Query(CONSTCWSTR keywords, SearchScope search_scope, const SearchOption& search_option, CONSTCWSTR di_path){ //Create Search switch (search_scope) { case ActionCallback::e_SearchScopeActiveDoc: Search for 'keywords' in the current document break; case ActionCallback::e_SearchScopeFolder: Search for 'keywords' in the PDF file in the folder specified by' di_path '; break; case ActionCallback::e_SearchScopeIndex: Search for 'keywords' for files included in the index file specified in' di_path '; break; case ActionCallback::e_SearchScopeActiveIndexes: Search for 'keywords' in the files included in the selected index file in the current index list; break; default: break; } } |
search.addIndex("c:/program files/exchhelp.xml",true); |
virtual SearchIndexConfig AddSearchIndex(CONSTCWSTR di_path, bool is_selected){ //Add the index specified by 'di_path' to the index list and set the name 'index1' for the index if(is_selected) Set the index to the selected state, and when the search scope of Query is "ActionCallback:: eSearchScopeActiveIndexes", search in the selected index return SearchIndexConfig("index1",true, di_path, is_selected); } |
///appearances/// var myEngine = security.getHandler("Adobe.PPKLite"); var appArray = myEngine.appearances; for( var i = 0; i < appArray.length; i++) app.alert(appArray[i]); |
std::map<WString, uint32> map_ap; virtual WStringArray GetSignatureAPStyleNameList(){ uint32 flag1 = Signature::e_APFlagLabel|Signature::e_APFlagSigner|Signature::e_APFlagReason |Signature::e_APFlagDN | Signature::e_APFlagLocation | Signature::e_APFlagText |Signature::e_APFlagSigningTime | Signature::e_APFlagBitmap | Signature::e_APFlagFoxitFlag; //Name flag1 style1 map_ap["style1"] = flag1; uint32 flag2 = Signature::e_APFlagLabel|Signature::e_APFlagSigner|Signature::e_APFlagReason |Signature::e_APFlagDN | Signature::e_APFlagLocation | Signature::e_APFlagText |Signature::e_APFlagSigningTime | Signature::e_APFlagBitmap; //name flag2 style2 map_ap["style2"] = flag2; foxit::WStringArray arr; arr.Add(L"style1"); arr.Add(L"style2"); return arr; } |
Updated on December 1, 2023