for Banking
PDF technology is an integral part of banking from creating statements, to incorporating document management into banking applications.
Engineered for Success
Our technology strengths
Document Security
Our security features incorporate Microsoft’s Right Management System along with password protection and encryption to ensure that your sensitive information is safe from security breaches.
Digital Signatures
With EIDAS and other worldwide regulations, digital signatures in PDF documents are deemed as legally binding as paper signatures and they are a real strength of Foxit PDF SDK.
Responsive PDF Forms
Our PDF Form technology can be used across many different devices while still rendering correctly, and can be hosted on a browser where you can control what people can see and do. Our technology is scalable across all devices to ensure that your application never fails a client and can be used anywhere.
Suppress parts of a document (including personally identifiable information) for legal or security purposes. With our technology, you can remove information from the front and the backend of the document forever, safely protecting client data.
Secure client data
Security of personal data is a top priority for banks no matter who their clients are. Foxit Software has worked with leading financial providers in the past, leading to our in-depth knowledge of where security pain points lie and how to control rights management around these.
Digitize standard forms
Make your paper processes and forms available online and in-browser so forms (such as new account setup or mortgage applications) can be completed and submitted in a controlled environment. Foxit Software allows you to host forms through browsers so you can choose whether a client can download, print or fill them out.
Digitally sign documents
With Foxit software, clients no longer need to visit a branch to sign legally binding contracts with banks for transactions to go ahead. We provide built-in digital signature in our SDKs to make it easy to incorporate electronic signatures into your workflow processes.
Multi device capabilities
Whether accessing banking information on the go or using a machine to store money into an account, clients need multiple devices to carry out their banking needs. We have helped leading banks across the globe incorporate device responsiveness into their applications through our cutting-edge libraries and UI Extension.
Why Choose Foxit
for your business?
Better rendering quality
Supporting Fortune 500 customers that demand quality, we have the engineers, resources and the need to provide best-in-league rendering quality.
Better rendering speed
Compared to our competitors, Foxit’s technology is faster, more accurate, and it works.
Worldwide support
With a truly world-wide presence, Foxit can provide you with the local support that you need through email, online messaging and phone calls in real-time.
Out of memory management
The Out of Memory Management (OOM) feature will ensure that the SDK automatically recovers from any anomalous events with minimal effect to the users experience.
Superior font handling
Foxit’s superior font matching algorithm can accurately determine which substitute most closely resembles the original non-embedded font and uses that to display the text.
Optimized for mobile
Foxit Software is probably best known for its small, fast and lightweight Foxit Reader app, which matches Adobe Reader’s rendering quality, but beats it in speed.
The Important Choice
Foxit for Banking
Remote Banking with
Digital Signatures
Uptake in In-Branch
Device Utilization
Edge Case Efficiency
Responsive on Android and iOS devices
PDF Technology: How it can Transform Security in Banking
Banks spend 3 times more on IT security than non-financial organizations. Whether you are a retail bank, mortgage bank, commercial bank or otherwise, you can incorporate PDF technology into your workflows. This paper shows you how PDF can transform security for your company.
Used everywhere
Trusted by some of the world’s largest companies.
Take a look at who uses our technology.