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MobilSign uses Biometric Signatures to increase paperless capabilities

Using the innovation of the Foxit PDF SDK, MobilSign provides advanced biometric and electronic signature solutions on Android, iOS and Windows platforms

MobilSign delivers document signing services that utilize advanced electronic and biometric signatures, as well as long-term archiving, which supports paperless electronic document management. The tool can be used on mobile devices and signature pads in order to create legally binding documents and contracts in many different industries including finance, insurance, utilities and the public sector. Documents, such as order forms, contracts, minutes, certificates and prescriptions can be signed with MobilSign, just by using handwritten digital signatures or fingerprints.

Specific to this partnership, MobilSign utilized Foxit PDF SDK to create biometric signatures on Android/iOS/Windows platforms through the use of PDF annotation and digital signature capabilities. As an advantage of using these features, end users can capitalize on collaboration potential through annotations and decrease the need for printing through digital signatures.

Digital Signatures with ERP

MobilSign allows customers to view and sign their contracts on tablets or mobile devices, just by using biometry without the need to print anything out. The contract can then be attached to an email and sent straight to the customer, furthermore omitting the need to provide printed copies. The technology was rolled out to numerous sites of end-users allowing use in fast-paced retail establishments. The ability to do everything in front of the customer meant customers felt trust and transparency towards the company. The quick turnaround of signing the contract has led to higher customer satisfaction and lower costs.

PDF SDK for Android, iOS and Windows

MobilSign understands the need to bring processes entirely online. Through using our digital documentation capabilities, MobilSign was able to future-proof its products for the end-users. Enabling end-users to perform tasks, like creating a contract, in front of customers makes the environment more inviting for the clients, ensuring that it is a pleasant experience for them.

Collaboration is becoming an important topic in today’s workplace. By helping to introduce digital solutions through paperless document management, MobilSign is making paperless a possibility for more workplaces.