Does Foxit PDF Viewer for .NET SDK 2.0 supports absolute Address?
Foxit PDF Viewer for .NET does not support opening the PDFs using absolute address directly. However, you can achieve your requirements by retrieving the PDF in the form of byte array from the URI using the WebClient class of .NET API.
Create the PdfDocument object using the PDF byte array and open the PDF in Viewer control.
Below is the code sample to achieve that:
WebClient clientObj = new WebClient(); //Reading the PDF in the form of byte array from a URI. byte[] PdfByteData=clientObj.DownloadData(@"address for the PDF"); Foxit.PDF.Viewer.PdfDocument pdf = new Foxit.PDF.Viewer.PdfDocument(PdfByteData); viewerObj.Open(pdf);
Updated on September 13, 2017