Foxit Quick PDF Library

Generate an invoice programmatically as a PDF

Generating PDF files is easy using Foxit Quick PDF Library. In this example we will demonstrate how to programmatically create an invoice as a PDF. In this example we’ll use a range of functions to create the content for the page. The company logo is created using paths, but that section of code could be simplified just by adding an image using the AddImageFromFile function.

/* Create a PDF invoice */

// Set page origin to top left, default is the bottom left


// Invoice number text

DPL.DrawText(55, 65, "Invoice #");
DPL.SetTextColor(0, 0.5, 1);
DPL.DrawText(140, 65, "1564824");

// Company logo

DPL.SetFillColor(0, 0, 0);
DPL.SetLineColor(1, 1, 1);
DPL.DrawCircle(475, 15, 5, 2);
DPL.DrawCircle(490, 20, 10, 2);
DPL.DrawCircle(505, 25, 15, 2);
DPL.DrawCircle(520, 30, 20, 2);
DPL.DrawCircle(535, 35, 25, 2);
DPL.DrawCircle(550, 40, 30, 2);

DPL.DrawHTMLTextBox(470, 38, 100, 100, "THE

// Draw some lines to give the invoice structure

DPL.SetLineColor(0, 0, 0);
DPL.DrawLine(20, 150, 592, 150);
DPL.DrawLine(20, 200, 592, 200);
DPL.DrawLine(400, 250, 592, 250);

// Text color for body

DPL.SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);

// Invoice headings

DPL.DrawText(50, 145, "Description");
DPL.DrawText(225, 145, "Quantity");
DPL.DrawText(375, 145, "Unit Price");
DPL.DrawText(525, 145, "Amount");

// Invoice content

DPL.DrawText(50, 195, "Fictional Product 1.0");
DPL.DrawText(245, 195, "5");
DPL.DrawText(385, 195, "199.00");
DPL.DrawText(532, 195, "995.00");

// Invoice totals

DPL.DrawText(455, 225, "Sub-Total");
DPL.DrawText(532, 225, "$995.00");
DPL.DrawText(455, 245, "Tax");
DPL.DrawText(532, 245, "$0.00");
DPL.DrawHTMLText(455, 270, 100, "Total");
DPL.DrawHTMLText(532, 270, 100, "$995.00");

// Payment due date

DPL.DrawHTMLText(50, 400, 100, "Due Date: Today");

// Save the invoice


The output looks like this:

This article refers to a deprecated product. If you are looking for support for Foxit PDF SDK, please click here.

Updated on May 16, 2022

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