Foxit PDF SDK for iOS

How do I insert an image into a PDF file?

There are two ways to help you insert an image into a PDF file. The first one is calling FSPDFPage::addImageFromFilePath interface. You can refer to the following sample code which inserts an image into the first page of a PDF file:

Note: Before calling FSPDFPage::addImageFromFilePath interface, you should get and parse the page that you want to add the image.

#define DOCUMENT_PATH [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]
// Get the path of a PDF.
NSString* pdfPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Sample" ofType:@"pdf"];
// Initialize a PDFDoc object with the path to the PDF file.
FSPDFDoc *document = [[FSPDFDoc alloc] initWithPath: pdfPath];
// load the unencrypted document content.
[document load:nil];
// Get the first page of the PDF file.
FSPDFPage *page = [document getPage:0];
// Parse the page.
if (![page isParsed]) {
    FSProgressive* progressive = [page startParse: FSPDFPageParsePageNormal pause:nil is_reparse:NO];
    while ([progressive resume] == FSProgressiveToBeContinued) {
// Get the image path.
NSString* imagePath = @"/Users/xiaole/Desktop/1.png";
// Add an image to the first page.
FSPointF* point = [[FSPointF alloc] init];
[point set:100 y:300];
[page addImageFromFilePath:imagePath position:point width:100 height:120 auto_generate_content:YES];
// Save the document that has added the link annotaiton.
[document saveAs:[DOCUMENT_PATH stringByAppendingString:@"Sample_image.pdf"] save_flags:FSPDFDocSaveFlagNormal];

Updated on August 29, 2018

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