How to render with Foxit PDF SDK for iOS
PDF rendering is done with the Foxit renderer, a graphic engine that is used to render pages to a bitmap or a platform device. Foxit PDF SDK provides APIs to set rendering options/flags. For example, to set a flag to decide whether to render form fields and a signature, whether to draw anti-aliasing images and anti-aliasing paths. To render, you can use the following APIs:
- To render a page and its annotations, first use the function FSRenderer::setRenderContentFlags to decide whether to render both the page and annotations, and then use the function FSRenderer::startRender to render. The function FSRenderer::startQuickRender can also be used to render page but only for thumbnail purposes.
- To render a single annotation, use the function FSRenderer::renderAnnot
- To render on a bitmap, use the function FSRenderer::startRenderBitmap
- To render a reflowed page, use the function FSRenderer::startRenderReflowPage
Widget annotation is always associated with a form field and form control in Foxit PDF SDK. For how to render widget annotations, here is a recommended flow:
- After loading a PDF page, first render the page and all annotations in the page (including widget annotations).
- Then, if you are using the FSFiller object to fill the form, the function FSFiller::render should be used to render the focused form control instead of the function FSRenderer::renderAnnot.
How to render a specified page to a bitmap
#import "ViewController.h" #import ... -(FSBitmap*)renderPageToBitmap: (FSPDFPage*) pdfPage drawWidth: (int)drawPageWidth drawHeight: (int)drawPageHeight { // If the page hasn't been parsed yet, throw an exception. if(![pdfPage isParsed]) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSGenericException reason:@"PDF Page should be parsed first" userInfo:nil]; // Pepare matrix to render on the bitmap. FSMatrix2D* matrix = [pdfPage getDisplayMatrix:0 top:0 width:drawPageWidth height:drawPageHeight rotate:FSRotation0]; // Create a bitmap according to the required drawPageWidth and drawPageHeight. FSBitmap* bitmap = [[FSBitmap alloc] initWithWidth:drawPageWidth height:drawPageHeight format:FSBitmapDIBRgb]; // Fill the bitmap with white color. [bitmap fillRect:0xFFFFFFFF rect:nil]; FSRenderer* renderer = [[FSRenderer alloc] initWithBitmap:bitmap is_rgb_order:YES]; // Set the render flag, both page content and annotation will be rendered. [renderer setRenderContentFlags:FSRendererRenderPage | FSRendererRenderAnnot]; // Start to render the page progressively. FSProgressive* progress = [renderer startRender:pdfPage matrix:matrix pause:nil]; if(progress) { FSProgressiveState state = [progress resume]; while (state == FSProgressiveToBeContinued) { state = [progress resume]; } if(state != FSProgressiveFinished) return nil; } return bitmap; }
How to render a specified page to a platform device context
#import "ViewController.h" #import ... -(void)renderPageToContext: (FSPDFPage*) pdfPage context: (CGContextRef)context { // If the page hasn't been parsed yet, throw an exception. if(![pdfPage isParsed]) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSGenericException reason:@"PDF Page should be parsed first" userInfo:nil]; // We set the width of drawing page to be equal to screen width, the drawing page height is calculated according to the ratio of page height and width. CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale; int drawPageWidth = (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width * scale; float pageWidth = [pdfPage getWidth]; float pageHeight = [pdfPage getHeight]; int drawPageHeight = (int)drawPageWidth * (pageHeight/pageWidth) * scale; // Erase the background of context with white color. CGContextSaveGState(context); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, drawPageWidth, drawPageHeight)); // Render to screen in the device coordinate, left:0, top:0, right:drawPageWidth, bottom:drawPageHeight. FSMatrix2D* matrix = [pdfPage getDisplayMatrix:0 top:0 width:drawPageWidth height:drawPageHeight rotate:FSRotation0]; FSRenderer* renderer = [[FSRenderer alloc] initWithContext:context device_type:FSRendererDeviceDisplay]; [renderer setRenderContentFlags:FSRendererRenderPage | FSRendererRenderAnnot]; // Start to render the page progressively. FSProgressive* progress = [renderer startRender:pdfPage matrix:matrix pause:nil]; if(progress) { FSProgressiveState state = [progress resume]; while (state == FSProgressiveToBeContinued) { state = [progress resume]; } } CGContextRestoreGState(context); }
Updated on July 21, 2021