Search Results for: "Quick PDF Library"

Adding an image as a watermark or a stamp on a PDF requires only a few lines of code using Foxit Quick PDF Library. Here's some C# sample code: /* Add an image watermark or stamp to an existing PDF document */ // Load a samp...
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Before we starting this tutorial make sure that you've read through the previous tutorial which explains how to get up and running with VB6 and Foxit Quick PDF Library. To begin with add a button to your Standard EXE form cal...
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It is not currently possible to print to multiple paper trays or bins using Foxit Quick PDF Library due to the technical constraints of some of the libraries that we use. For Foxit Quick PDF Library users a workaround is...
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Foxit Quick PDF Library does not support converting entire HTML documents to PDF, however, it is possible to use a limited set of HTML tags to draw content onto pages in PDF files using the HTML text functions such as DrawHTMLTex...
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Adding links to PDF files is very straight forward. A link in a PDF is actually an annotation and is placed on top of the content that you wish to link. These hotspot links can be added using the following functions: AddLinkTo...
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Currently it is only possible to replace simple text that has not been encoded using Foxit Quick PDF Library using the scripting feature which uses Foxit Quick PDF Library behind the scenes. The function that lets you replace text...
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There isn't an easy way to check if a PDF contains compressed elements or not. There is not a PDF wide compression option, instead various different objects and streams in PDF files can be compressed individually, using different ...
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When you use the SignFile function to add a digital signature to a PDF it adds an invisible digital signature which is not shown on any of the pages in the document. Instead the digital signature can be viewed by opening the PDF i...
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The SignFile function in Foxit Quick PDF Library lets you sign PDF files using the PKCS#12 format (containing a certificate and private key). But sometimes more advanced signing options are required. This is why we've added t...
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