Developer Posts

How to make rendering faster?

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
The following suggestion can help improving rendering speed of your viewer: Render only part of the PDF page Render at lower quality. Reduce the width and height and scale it to fit the size needed. Some PDF page requires a lot of time because of its complexity. Recreate the PDF. Note: This article refers to […]
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How to request an SDK for a different platform?

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
To request an SDK for a different platform, follow the steps below: What operating system do you need support for? What version of the operating system? What architecture does it use? Provide the hardware device name and version of the device. Provide the compiling tool needed to build the library. What flag is needed to […]
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How to provide Foxit with the necessary data for printing related problems?

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
Follow these steps to provide Foxit with the necessary data for printing related problems: Open Devices and Printers by clicking the Start button , and then, on the Start menu, clicking Devices and Printers. Right-click a printer, and then click Printer properties. On the General tab, click Print Test Page. Scan print info and send […]
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How to display fonts correctly using Foxit PDF SDK?

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
To display the fonts correctly, you must use the FSCRT_Library_AddFontFile or use FSCRT_Library_SetFontMapperHandler. Here is how to use FSCRT_Library_SetFontMapperHandler in C++. declare the following structure: static FSCRT_FONTMAPPERHANDLER ExternalFontMapper; static string FallbackFontPath; static FS_RESULT MapExternalFont(FS_LPVOID clientData, FS_LPCSTR fontName, FS_DWORD fontStyles, FS_INT32 weight, FS_INT32 charset, FSCRT_FILE *fontFile, FS_INT32 *faceIndex){ //This call back will trigger when an external […]
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How to render only a section of a PDF on Foxit PDF SDK?

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
Follow the steps outlined below to render a selection of a PDF on Foxit PDF SDK: Change the parameters of FSPDF_Page_GetMatrix before rendering Go to “samples\simple_sample\comm_src\fgsdk_common.cpp” and locate the call for FSPDF_Page_GetMatrix Change the parameters. For example, “FSPDF_Page_GetMatrix(page, -200, -100, (FS_INT32)width*1.5, (FS_INT32)height*3, 0, &mt)” Run the demo at “simple_sample\pdf2img” and look at the output to […]
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How to fix “error C3861: ‘InitializeCriticalSectionEx’:identifier not found” or “error C3861: ‘FSCRT_Renderer_CreateOnWindowsDC’: identifier not found”

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
To fix these errors in Foxit PDF SDK, follow the steps below: In Visual Studio’s “Solution Explorer” right click on the project with the error and select properties Select Configuration Properties ->General Set “Platform Toolset” to “Visual Studio 2010 (v100)” Note: This article refers to a deprecated version of a Foxit Product. If you are […]
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How to read outlines with Foxit PDF SDK

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
Outline and Bookmarks are the same in PDF. Please see the header file fpdf_document_r.h and locate the method starting with FSPDF_Bookmark_XXX. Function with the naming convention FSPDF_Bookmark_XXX are the function that will allow user to extract bookmark information. Note: This article refers to a deprecated version of a Foxit Product. If you are still using […]
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How to use Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX with Visual Basic

by Conor Smith | April 5, 2017
Basically, you have two options to use Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX component with Visual Basic. Both are described above: Option A: Open Excel or Access Select DEVELOPER->Visual BasicNote: If you do not have the Developer tab. Go to File->Option->Customize Ribbon-> Check the Developer tab to add it In the Microsoft Visual Basic for applications, select […]
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