Features & add-ons

Check out the full list of features that Foxit PDF SDK provide to help you build a customized PDF Viewer.

Viewing & Rendering

Open, render and view PDF documents across all platforms and devices, and preserve your content long-term. Our years of industry expertise means our technology is fast, accurate and robust.

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Digital Signature

Use ink signatures to let customers sign documents in their digital devices. Sign PDF in web apps easily without needing to print a file to sign again!

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Full-Text Search

Fast full-text search for any PDF document, language, or encoding type. The SQLite-based full-text search delivers near-instant results, even for repositories on any digital device.

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Smart Forms

Create, edit and fill PDF (AcroForms and XFA) forms progammatically. Give end users the ability to fill out digital forms that connect flawlessly to your systems through the import and export of FDF (Form Data Format) files.

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Our PDF SDK provides full support for displaying and annotating PDF in web applications with an extensive range of functions for creating, editing or importing/exporting annotations.

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More features

Everything a PDF needs


Take advantage of full encryption and decryption, password encryption, certificates — or, bring-your-own security handler.

Support for Standard PDF security handler (40 and 128 bit RC4), 128 bit AES encryption, and 256-bit AES encryption.

Attachments & associated files

Create and edit document attachments, or associate files together. Associating files lets you associate content in other formats with objects of a PDF file and identify the relationship between the PDF content and the objects.

Asynchronous loading

For large files, allow the first PDF pages to be loaded asynchronously, without having to load the whole document, which would normally take a very long time to load.


Rearrange page content when the page size changes. This is useful for applications that have to prepare for the same layout to display on multiple devices. Create, render, release, and access properties of reflow pages.


Generate barcode bitmaps from a given string.

Support for 1D barcode: Code39, Code128, EAN8, UPCA, EAN13, ITF; 2D barcode: PDF417, QR.


Render all PDF layers of a document, traverse the layer tree, and set the visible state of every PDF layer to show or hide its contents.



XFA Forms

XFA Forms are XML-based forms wrapped inside a PDF. Securely capture, present, move, process, output, update and print information associated with static and dynamic XFA forms. Simplify your data sharing, transportation and availability with XFA.

Digital Rights Management

Keep your PDF documents secure by connecting your application and files to Microsoft’s Rights Management Services platform natively. Foxit PDF SDK also integrates with your IRM and DRM solution.

OCR Scanning

Convert scanned documents to searchable text PDFs with our highly accurate enterprise optical character recognition (OCR) software. Designed for scanning, and archiving, our robust functionality outputs 13 different file formats including PDF & PDF/A.


Programmatically search and sensor sensitive information in a document for legal or security purposes to keep your customer and employee information safe. Click here to see how you can achieve full GDPR-compliance.


Leverage our conversion and verification technology to turn regular PDFs into PDF/A compliant documents. If you are already working with PDF/A in your processes, proactively verify third-party PDFs you receive are PDF/A compliant.

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