Developer Posts

How can I set the night mode color?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
From version 5.1, Foxit PDF SDK for iOS supports setting the night mode color as desired. To set the night mode color, you should set the properties FSPDFViewCtrl.mappingModeBackgroundColor and FSPDFViewCtrl.mappingModeForegroundColor at first, and then set the FSPDFViewCtrl.colorMode to FSRendererColorModeMapping. Note: If the FSPDFViewCtrl.colorMode has already been set to FSRendererColorModeMapping, you still need to set it […]
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How to print a PDF document using Foxit PDF SDK for iOS?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
Foxit PDF SDK for iOS supports the print feature since version 5.1. You can press the Wireless Print button on the More Menu view in the Complete PDF viewer demo to print the PDF document. Furthermore, you can call the following API to print the PDF documents: // for iPhone and iTouch (void)printDoc: (FSPDFDoc *)doc […]
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How to perform Indexed Full-Text Search in Foxit PDF SDK for iOS?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
Foxit PDF SDK for iOS fully supports Indexed Full Text Search. To use this feature, follow the steps below: 1) Get document source information. Create a document source based on a directory which will be used as the search directory. -(id)initWithDirectory: (NSString *)directory; 2) Create a full text search object, and set a path of […]
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How to highlight form fields and set form field highlight color?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
The interface is provided to set whether to enable highlighting the form fields in PDF form files. By default, the form fields will be highlighted. If you do not want to highlight form fields, you should change the source code of the UI Extensions Component, please refer to PDF SDK for iOS Developer Guide to […]
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How to highlight links and set link highlight color in PDF documents?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
The UIExtensionsManager.enableLinkHighlight() interface is provided to set whether to enable highlighting the links in PDF documents. By default, the links in PDF documents will be highlighted. If you do not want to highlight links, please set the parameter to “false” as follows: // Assume you have already Initialized a UIExtensionsManager object extensionsManager.enableHighlightLinks = false; The […]
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How do I insert an image into a PDF file?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
There are two ways to help you insert an image into a PDF file. The first one is calling FSPDFPage::addImageFromFilePath interface. You can refer to the following sample code which inserts an image into the first page of a PDF file: Note: Before calling FSPDFPage::addImageFromFilePath interface, you should get and parse the page that you […]
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How can I add a link annotation to a PDF file?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
To add a link annotation to a PDF file, you should first call the FSPDFPage::addAnnot to add an annotation to a specified page, then call FSAction::Create to create an action, and set the action to the added link annotation. Following is the sample code for adding a URI link annotation to the first page of […]
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What should I do if I want to display a specified page when opening a PDF document using PDF SDK for iOS?

by Conor Smith | August 29, 2018
To display a specified page when opening a PDF file, the interface [pdfViewCtrl gotoPage: (int) animated: (BOOL)] should be used. Foxit PDF SDK for iOS utilizes multi-thread to improve rendering speed, so please make sure the document has been loaded successfully before using the gotoPage interface. The first one is that making a conditional statement […]
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