Developer Posts

Extract text from a defined rectangular area on a page

by Conor | March 29, 2015
Foxit Quick PDF Library includes a range of functionality for extracting text from PDF files, but usually it’s for extract text from an entire page. The extract functions which include “area” in the name let you specify a rectangular area from which you wish to extract text. The key functions for this using regular memory […]
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Programmatically impose multiple pages on one page (imposition)

by Conor | March 27, 2015
There is not a single “imposition” function in Foxit Quick PDF Library but it’s easy to use the CapturePage and DrawCapturedPage functions to do the imposition. There is some sample code below that demonstrates how to take a few different PDFs, merge them together, and then impose each page onto one page in a new document. […]
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Is printing PostScript to PDF supported?

by Conor | March 25, 2015
No, the Postscript functions in Foxit Quick PDF Library such as DrawPostScriptXObject will only embed existing postscript commands into a PDF. This is mainly done for printers. Most, if not all PDF viewers do not contain any Postscript rendering functionality so you page may be technically correct but there is not viewer that can render […]
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Get embedded image coordinates from PDF files

by Conor | March 25, 2015
Foxit Quick PDF Library lets you analyze, extract and replace embedded images in PDF files using the extensive image handling functions. The GetPageImageList function returns an ImageListID which you can use in the GetImageListItemDblProperty function. With this function you can get the coordinates for each image in the image list. The GetImageListItemIntProperty function useful for […]
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Create links to dial a phone from a PDF link on mobile devices

by Conor | March 25, 2015
In a recent post titled Dial a Phone from a PDF Link on Mobile Devices on the Acrobat For Legal Professionals blog, it was demonstrated how you can create a web link in a PDF that when clicked on an mobile device would dial the phone number. Well it is easy to add these links programmatically […]
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Programmatically convert EMF to PDF

by Conor | March 17, 2015
The ImportEMFFromFile function is designed specifically for importing EMF and WMF file formats. Delphi sample code provided below demonstrates how to use this function. procedure TForm2.btnImportEMFFromFileClick(Sender: TObject); var FileName: string; ImageID: Integer; ImWidth: Integer; ImHeight: Integer; begin PDFLibrary := TDebenuPDFLibrary1113.Create; try UnlockResult := PDFLibrary.UnlockKey('INSERT LICENSE KEY'); if UnlockResult = 1 then begin FileName := 'C:\Sample.EMF' […]
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Is Foxit Quick PDF Library thread-safe?

by Conor | March 6, 2015
Usually when the phrase “thread safe” is used it means that the same instance of the library can be accessed by different threads at the same time. This means that Foxit Quick PDF Library is not thread safe because a single instance of Foxit Quick PDF Library can only be accessed by the thread that […]
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Extract images from PDF files as the appropriate image type

by Conor | March 6, 2015
Sometimes it’s necessary to extract images from PDF files and save them to disk. When this happens you’ll most likely want to save the image data back into the image format that it was originally in before it was added to the PDF. This can be tricky at times because some image formats such as […]
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Is a 64-bit HDC supported by RenderPageToDCClip?

by Conor | March 5, 2015
(The answer is no, not in the current Delphi source code version, but read below because the more accurate answer is “no, but that’s okay because Microsoft guarantees that only the bottom 32-bit range of handles is used in Windows”.) The current build system for the Delphi-based version of Foxit Quick PDF Library cannot handle […]
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