Developer Posts

Add images to PDF programmatically

by Qiming Wang | January 28, 2014
Adding images to PDF files is simple using the PDF API available with Foxit Quick PDF Library. The key functions involved when inserting an image into a PDF are the AddImageFromFile and DrawImage functions. The size of the image drawn onto the PDF is determined by the DPI value of the image (if present). The ImageHorizontalResolution and ImageVerticalResolution […]
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What happens if Foxit Quick PDF Library is not unlocked correctly?

by Conor | December 9, 2013
Atempting to use Foxit Quick PDF Library without a license key, with an expired trial license key or with an invalid license key, will result in the follow functions being being blocked: DAOpenFile GetInformation LoadFromStream LoadFromString MergeDocument NewDocument SaveToFile SaveToString SecurityInfo EncryptFile DecryptFile AnalyseFile MergeFiles MergeStreams MergeFileListFast ExtractFilePageContent ExtractFilePageText ExtractFilePages GetFileMetadata Check the result of the […]
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Hello world: your first PDF application with C#

by Conor | December 9, 2013
This tutorial is for developers are are using Foxit Quick PDF Library with C# for the first time. To begin with add a button to your Windows Forms Application. Double-click the button to add an OnClick event, and fill in the following event code. Lets start. Create an instance of Foxit Quick PDF Library, this line of […]
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Overlay one PDF onto another PDF programmatically

by Conor | November 28, 2013
Foxit Quick PDF Library makes it easy to copy a page from one PDF and draw that page onto one or more pages in a different PDF. This is very useful for when you have a template such as a letterhead that needs to be applied to all pages in a PDF before it is sent […]
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Programmatically add a watermark or stamp to a PDF

by Conor | November 27, 2013
Adding an image as a watermark or a stamp on a PDF requires only a few lines of code using Foxit Quick PDF Library. Here’s some C# sample code: /* Add an image watermark or stamp to an existing PDF document */ // Load a sample file from disk. We'll place the image // onto this […]
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Can I print to different printer trays?

by Conor | November 27, 2013
Foxit Quick PDF Library does not currently let you print to different printer bins or paper trays during the same print job. You can assign different print jobs to different printer bins or paper trays, but you can’t assign the one print job to different outputs depending on which page is being printed. This article […]
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Why is the Foxit Quick PDF Library installer around 100 MB?

by Conor | November 21, 2013
Don’t worry, the installer for Foxit Quick PDF Library might be around 100 MB these days but the binaries that you will need to distribute with your application are much smaller. The reason the installer is so big is that it includes: 4 different Editions of the library (Delphi, ActiveX, DLL, LIB) The Delphi Edition includes […]
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Does Foxit Quick PDF Library work with .NET?

by Conor | November 21, 2013
Yes, Foxit Quick PDF Library works with the .NET framework. Foxit Quick PDF Library has an ActiveX and DLL edition that can be used with the .NET framework via an interop assembly. We also provide special import classes for C# and Visual Basic for both the DLL and ActiveX editions to make development easier. With regards to […]
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Can I pay to have a feature added to one of Foxit’s products?

by Conor | November 21, 2013
Yes, in certain circumstances we do enter into arrangements where companies can pay us to add features to our products. However, we’ll only ever add a feature to our products if that feature is in line with the direction that we’d like the product to go in. You can contact our sales team if this […]
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