Foxit PDF SDK Changelog


August 2023

New Features/Enhancements
  • New capability to render and edit annotations using CA, ca, and BM dictionaries from PDF2.0.
  • Added a backend font-matching strategy for increased font mapping accuracy.
  • Added new APIs to configure properties such as moveable, resizable, rotatable, and enableDiagonally for different annotation UI shapes.
  • All measurement tools now support setting Caption colors and Label text through UI or APIs.
  • New APIs setImage added to programmatically set the stamp and screen.
  • New API PDFDoc.AddAnnots added to insert annotations into PDF in batch to improve performance.
  • Added support for paging seal signature to add, update, delete, and sign stamps.
  • Updated parameters email, reason, and location of PDFDoc.sign to change the default value of the Signer’s Contact Information that appears on the Signature Properties window.
  • New APIs for obtaining signature images, detecting the last signature, and removing the signature.
  • Enabled Page Thumbnails to synchronize with the Page View in Rotate View mode.
  • Added support for displaying and customizing task progress for Signing, Watermarking, Adding Annotations, Form Recognition, and Printing.
  • New API HandStateHandlerConfig::enablePasting to enable or disable paste functionality in the hand state.
  • Exposed UIExtension Controllers for Basic and Advanced Editor.
  • New API PDFViewer:RegisterPrintHandler added to override default print behavior and allow for executing custom print logic.
  • Added support for dark mode at UI.
  • Implemented a built-in and customizable storage driver for saving and retrieving data, enabling users to reuse measurement settings in the last session.
  • New API PDFViewer::getActionCallbackManager added to open an embedded file associated with a link.
  • New APIs PDFField::getMappingName and PDFField::setMappingName added to form for exporting or importing form data.
  • New API PDFField::setAlternateName added to set alternate text to the form field for enhanced accessibility to the PDF form.
  • New APIs added to programmatically extract, update, and embed files from PDF documents.
  • Improved Snapping to work with the existing measurements.
  • Enhanced Annotation Undo/Redo functionality for broader editing scenarios.
  • Improved interaction of measurement distance lines for enhanced readability.
  • Enhanced rendering of annotations with Multiply Blend Mode in the Appearance Stream.
  • Updated parameter format of ‘PDFViewer::initAnnotationIcons’ using an array of objects for simplified API use.
  • Added new APIs WebCollabClient::Collaboration#setMousePointerSyncRate and
  • Introduced new class WebCollabClientr::LoggerFactory to log features for debugging and error tracking.
  • Added WebCollabServer::LoggerOptions to enable logs based on log levels.
  • New events network-connection-up and network-connection-down added to notify users of connection issues.
  • New Demo “server\signature-server-for-linux” for demonstrating how to configure and start up service for a signature.
  • New Demo “examples/UIExtension/dark/” to demonstrate how to implement dark mode. 
  • New Demo “examples/UIExtension/custom-measurement-properties-dialog/index” to demonstrate the customization of the right-side measurement properties component.
  • New Vue.js3 example added on the Github.
  • New Next.JS example added on the Github.
  • New Integration demo with low-code platform Mendix.
Bug Fixes
  • Addressed an issue where transparent annotations with a Multiply blending mode were not rendering correctly in the Appearance stream.
  • Fixed a problem with the commentlist-loadmode demo not loading all comments as expected.
  • Resolved crashes occurring during the re-rendering of newly created annotations on specific files.
  • Corrected annotation tooltips that were not displaying completely when hovering the mouse over them.
  • Fixed the issue where the reply function was disabled when the Annotation property was set to Locked.
  • Fixed the content reset issue upon double-clicking a newly created TextBox or Callout.
  • Restored the functionality of the Typewriter tool’s plain text paste.
  • Addressed annotation rendering errors when zooming in and out using ctrl+mouse wheel.
  • Fixed the issue of the Annotation CreationDate failing to update with time zone changes.
  • Resolved the issue where creating an ink annotation on mobile via pinch zoom triggered an unintended add annotation event.
  • Fixed the issue where stamps were added but their icons didn’t appear in the stamp list.
  • Fixed an issue where the ScrollTo method wasn’t working as expected while scrolling with the mouse wheel in the basicViewer.
  • [Vue3] Fixed the “L.filter is not a function” error when deploying a Vue3 app to Ngix.
  • Resolved the issue of specific files displaying blank pages upon scrolling.
  • Rectified the problem where “Replace All” was not effectively applying to every page.
  • Rectified the problem where CheckBox and RadioBox annotations created by the SDK were not appearing in other PDF readers.
  • Resolved the issue where exporting and then importing data files through the UI interface with documents having uppercase “PDF” file extensions would result in a “File is corrupted” message.
  • Fixed interdependent calculation errors within specific form fields.
  • Corrected the incorrect rendering of “1 bpp with a mask” images.
  • Fixed an error “Cannot set properties of undefined” when tapping a page on mobile.
  • Resolved the “unknown engine error” when merging documents.
  • Fixed an issue where printing documents containing layer resulted in incorrect output.
  • Eliminated memory leaks in the getFile and getStream functions.
  • Corrected the issue in specific files where text could only be selected on a per-line basis.
  • Fixed the inability to draw dots on the Create Signature panel.
  • Rectified the problem where the text couldn’t be edited after applying an Ink signature into text.
  • Addressed the issue where inaccuracies in the handling of existing signatures resulted in incorrect signature validation information within the document after saving.
  • Fixed a situation on Windows where Context Menu events were triggering twice upon mouse release.
  • Addressed the issue of “image size points” being inaccessible when beyond the page mediabox.
  • Fixed the issue where right-clicking on a page in selection mode didn’t trigger the expected rightClickPage event.
  • Improved the slow scrolling issue when using the scroll bar on Laptop.
  • Fixed the “undefined” error when partially loading components of the Advanced Editor.
  • Corrected the problem where hiding the Left Side Panel was effective only for the current session, despite executing “component.hide()”.
  • Checked: Addressed an SDK JavaScript initialization error caused by attempts to read improperly named properties on the window object, which were added by Chrome extensions.
  • Fixed the content disappearance issue when resizing the Loup Tool window.
  • Resolved the issue where the maxScale setting didn’t apply as expected on mobile devices.


August 2023

New Features/Enhancements
  • Set the appearance before start signing.
  • Support adding signature with shared dictionary.
  • Allowing incremental saving document before calling Signature::StartSign().
  • Modify the appearance of the existing unsigned paging seal signatures before signing.
  • Support adding paging signatures with shared dictionary.
  • Ignores full-width characters search.
  • Delete invalid PDF indexes.
  • Support new PDF JavaScript objects including “Doc.pageTransition,Doc.templates,Span and Soap”.
  • [Office2PDF] Control VBA code execution during office2PDF on Windows.
  • [THML2PDF] Control the converter environment and the IP blacklist.
  • Support Multiline tiled watermarks with options.
  • Enable auto font size for the redaction overlay text.
  • Support retrieving suspect results when performing OCR.
  • Save document without updating datetime metadata.
  • Enable text rotation when adding text.
  • Added new objects-level classes for traversing the PDF structure tree.
  • Added Verify functionality to the PDFCompliance.
  • Added image-to-PDF conversion functions with file path and stream options.
  • Link annotation supports JavaScript actions.
  • Added new functions to reset default value for XFA Widget.
  • Added PDF Print interface on Linux.
  • The Java Library supports for Linux ARM architectures.
  • Updated the compliance lib to enhance its overall processing.
  • Enhanced Windows C library support, addressing compatibility and errors.
  • New demonstration projects for both Visual Studio 2019 and 2022
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a problem where certain Link Annotations retrieved empty Destinations in specific documents.
  • Fixed the appearance reset issue for Circle annotations, where some circle edges were being clipped after resetting.
  • Rectified the rendering issue of note annotations that were not displayed correctly in a specific file.
  • Fixed image compression process that led to image loss due to pauses during compression.
  • Fixed an issue in which running office2pdf on Linux environment resulted in an error: “[Unknown error]: any unknown error occurs.”

PDF Conversion SDK 1.4

August 2023

New Features
  • Added support for converting headings from PDF to Word.
  • Introducing the Linux C Library.
  • Compatibility with the latest version of node.js.
Bug Fixes
  • Addressed a known OpenSSL vulnerability by updating to OpenSSL version 1.11.
  • [PDF2Word] Fixed the issue where numeric bullet points in the result file changed after conversion.
  • [PDF2Word] Resolved the problem of bullet point misalignment in the result file after conversion.
  • [PDF2Excel] Fixed the issue of inconsistent content display in converted result files within WPS.
  • [PDF2Office] Corrected the inconsistency in display of converted result files when opened in various office editors.
  • [PDF2Word] Resolved an issue where fonts were missing and font appearances were inconsistent after converting specific files.
  • [PDF2Word] Fixed the problem where Calibri font changed to another font after conversion in the result file.
  • [PDF2Excel] Fixed the issue where table column widths were reduced, causing misalignment of data within columns after conversion.
  • [PDF2Excel] Corrected the problem where Excel cells with solid color backgrounds were not properly converted and recognized.
  • [PDF2Excel] Addressed the issue where text became invisible after zooming in on the converted result file using a specific office editor on a device.

Updated on March 20, 2024