Foxit PDF SDK Changelog
July 2020
- Progressive rendering support
- PDFDoc.getFontsInfo() API to get font information including font type, name, embedded info etc
- Multiple selection and edit function on content objects at UIExtension
- A PDF.actions class
- New getActions and setActions API for PDF.annots.Link annotation
- Digital signature support
- New PDFViewer.constructor option jr.brotli
- New PDFUI.constructor option customs.getLoadingMode to allow loading PDF document from memory buffer
- New PDFViewer.constructor option renderingMode
- New parameter annotUpdatedType to DataEvents.annotation
- New pdfviewer.killfocus() API
- New pdfui.confirm(), pdfui.alert(), and pdfui.prompt() with message and log type to classify the UI pop-up component
- UI thumbnail component and modularized it as an add-on to allow developers to do customization and extend its functionality
- Open source scaffold example project
- Show/hide all comments at UI level
- PDFUI.callAddon()API at UI level
- Paddle component in layout template to show the hidden elements on toolbar (PC only)
- Add-on merge tools for preprocessing addon resources to reduce the network requests at the UI initialization
- UIExtension.vw.cssfile to support vmin CSS unit to adapt layout for cases that require font resizing on mobile
- PDF.HeaderFooter.isEmpty() API
- PDFViewCtrl.ViewerEvents.removeActionAnnotationSuccess logic
- Removed UIExtension.full.css that functions same as UIExtension.css
- Output information on console
- Hot key for annotation undo (command+z) and redo (command+shift+z) on Mac at UI level
- Vue/Angualr/React integration sample to use merged-addons
- Support for the return value of the PDFPage.addImage()
- PDFDoc.exportAnnotsToPDF API which now supports exporting a particular annotation to data file
- WebPDFJRWorker.jsto allow accessing from a different origin
- PDF.constant.Error_Codeenumerations in API references
- Support for the docfolder to doc-websitewith HTML format developer guide
- Changed the folder advanced_webViewer to complete_webviewer
- Thumbnail component modularized as an add-on
- Issue where the Edit menu in Comment List wasn’t disabled after the annotations flag was set as locked
- Issue where creating annotation would trigger both annotationAdded and nnotationUpdated events
- Issue where a new added custom stamp data can’t be updated when being placed on the page
- Issue where passing annotation color=0x000000 on border and text, did not take effect
- Issue where the JSON data was inconsistent between exportAnnotsToJSON and addAnnot
- Issue where the URL file cannot be opened cross origin
- Issue which the callout failed to create on a particular file
- Issue which the date format got changed on focus and on blur
- Issue which no comments could be imported when comments contains parenthesis
- Issue where uncaught promise error occurred when importing annotation
- Issue which the text form field can’t set to be blank if a default value has been set
- Issue where importAnnotsFromJson could not update the old annotation when two annotations have same ID
- Issue where Foxit PDF SDK for Web failed to display the default appearance of a 3D annotation
- Issue where tooltip shows only when the cursor points to the left-top corner of the tool on Firefox
- Issue where Foxit PDF SDK for Web failed to open files in IE10
- Issue where the rendering delayed when adding highlight annotation
- Issue where Foxit PDF SDK for Web failed to open particular drawing files
- Issue where 404 Error occurred when loading a file in Angular.js
- Issue where Foxit PDF SDK for Web keeps loading when open a particular file
- Issue where the mirror field cannot be cleared when the length is less than 2 in the main field
July 2020
- Support Word/Excel to PDF for Conversion add-on (Windows Only)
- Support adding a layer to a PDF that does not have any layer
- Support to get Object by Object Index
- Option to render annotation for thumbnail purpose
- Get/Set permisson APIs to signature feature
- Support setting the color with different color space for Graphics Objects
- New render flag: e_ColorModeMappingGray to map a color value according to a background color and a foreground color
- Subset embedded fonts with a document to reduce the file size
- API to retrieve a layer node dictionary
- Additional options for Optimizer Add-on
- Method for setting the path for Java *.so library
- OOM error report feature enhanced
- Form loading performance enhancement
- PageOpen JavaScript action supported in Viewer Demo
- Original effect of barcode restored
- Invalid PDF/A after signing document issue fixed
- Bezier curve control points added to exported path object data
- Listbox font size changes correctly on zoom in/out activity* Font embedding bugs fixed
- Typo on : e_FlagChoiseMultiSelect→e_FlagChoiceMultiSelect
- Form object associated with layer node displays correct coordinates when rendered to page
- RectF.isEmpty() method always return true bug fixed
July 2020
- Provide options to enable/disable slide mode for Android which will enhance the e-ink screen rendering.
- Support Group Annotations at UI Level
- Reading features
- Support the same render effect as Mobile app’s page color feature
- Provide option to enable/disable auto save feature
- New platform support for Mac Catalyst
- Modify the encrypt_key parameter of CertificateSecurityHandler.initialize from string to byte
Updated on January 20, 2025